It is 'National Moth Night' 8th - 11th August, so what better excuse than to get our trap out again last night. We have spent the morning identifying, photographing and recording them - we actually only recorded 45 different species and although that is quite a low number for us, several of the species were new to our garden!
including this swallow prominent and pebble prominent.
Swallow Prominent |
Pebble Prominent |
and this oak hook-tip
Oak Hook-Tip |
But for me the stars were the thorns, and today we had Early, August, Dusky and Canary-shouldered. Thorns are fast becoming my favourite moths as for me they are moths with a quirky character, I guess it has something to do with their long legs and their comical faces.
Early Thorn |
Early Thorn |
Early Thorn |
August Thorn |
August Thorn |
Dusky Thorn |
Dusky Thorn |
Dusky Thorn |
Canary-shouldered Thorn |
Canary - shouldered Thorn |
We also had several (6) of these Ruby tigers too
ruby tiger |
our complete moth list from last night is
Lesser Broad bordered yellow Underwing 20
Dingy footman 20
Flame Shoulder 8
Drinker 2
Antler 1
Canary-shouldered Thorn 1
Dark arches 3
Smokey Wainscot 2
Mother of pearl 8
Dusky Thorn 4
August Thorn 2
Blood-vein 1
Ruby Tiger 6
Dun-bar 7
Lesser yellow underwing 6
Early Thorn 2
Common Footman 2
Snout 1
Swallow Prominent 1
Pebble Prominent 1
Silver Y 8
Broad bordered Yellow Underwing 4
Lunar Yellow Underwing 1
Common Rustic 11
Copper Underwing 1
Crescent 3
Magpie 1
Clouded Border 1
Mottled Rustic 2
Common Carpet 4
Chinese Character 1
Small rivulet 2
Riband Wave 1
Small Fan-footed wave 1
Flame carpet 2
Shaded Broad-bar 1
Oak hook-tip 1
Rosy Rustic 2
Flounced Rustic 1
Suspected 3
Ingrailled Clay 1
Cloaked Minor 1
Bird cherry ermine 3
Agapeta zoegana 1
Euzophera pinguis 1